The wind was blowing late one night and rain came pouring down as Grandma, Mom, and Dad, and I went driving out of townI sat in back with Grandma and we snuggled to keep warm we wrapped ourselves in blankets and felt safe from all the storm
 But over next to Grandma as a great surprise to me was my friendly furry monster sitting looking back at me!
"It's time for bed," my monster said, "now close your little eyes. I have a big adventure planned I'm sure you'll be surprised!" I must have gone to dreamland but I laughed and shook my head
because Daddy wasn't driving now my monster was instead!
I hopped up front and yelped for we were headed towards the trees but they kindly moved aside because we said, "Excuse us, please."
We took off through the forest and then rose into the sky My monster said, "In Dreamland, Willie, anything can fly!"
We flew beyond the stormy clouds beyond the moon and stars My monster waved to all his friends on Jupiter and Mars
And when at last we floated down to where the rainbow ends People gathered round and said, "We are your Dreamland friends."
A woman with a lovely smile and eyes that sparkled blue said, "If you will listen carefully, I'll teach you something new."
"It really is quite simple," the woman said to me, "anything you can imagine, that's the thing that you can be."
"You can be a mighty giant or a tiny grain of sand,
 You can even be a monster if you only THINK you can!"
My monster said, "Now think of something fun to be or do, then watch and see what happens, I'll be waiting here for you."
 So I thought I'd like to be a cat and suddenly I was I even made meowing sounds the way a real one does!
 I turned into an earthworm and went wiggling through the dirt 'til a bluebird came and dug me up and ate me for dessert!
 I turned into a raindrop that was falling to the ground and I landed in a river that went running through a town
I went splashing over pebbles as the sun shown down on me and I tumbled down a waterfall and laughed out loud with glee!
 I thought myself into a king and rode about the town I wore a purple velvet robe and shiny golden crown
The people brought me lovely things like fruit and bubble gum and I gave them each a silver coin and thanked them one by one
 I turned into an elephant with yellow polka-dots
 I turned into a leopard with great big orange spots
 I thought myself into a whale and swam across the sea and then I turned
 into MYSELF! because I'M fun to be!
"We must be off," my monster said and so we said good-bye and then we hopped into the car and drove into the sky
As quickly as we'd left before I found that we'd returned and as I lay in Grandma's arms I thought of what I'd learned
My monster whispered in my ear, "We'll play tomorrow night!"
and then he waved his furry hand and disappeared from sight |
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