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So many sisters had Molly Brown; Upstairs and downstairs, and all over town.
Sisters in cupboards, sisters in books; Sisters in corners and crannies and nooks.
Sisters in closets and under the stair; Sisters in bathrooms, combing their hair. |
So many sisters had Molly Brown; Upstairs and downstairs, and all over town.
"I don't have a place to call my own!" "I wish they would all just leave me alone!"
"My sisters are driving me CRAZY I say!" "I wish they would all just GO AWAY!" |  |
So many sisters had Molly Brown; Upstairs and downstairs, and all over town.
But one day when Molly woke up to say; "Be quiet! Please move! Get out of my way!"
There was no one around to hear her protest! "Maybe they packed up, and all moved out West !" | |
No more sisters had Molly Brown; None upstairs... None downstairs... Nor all over town.
"Hooray!" Molly cried, "I'm here all alone!" "Finally some space I can call my own!"
Molly Brown danced around and around; Except for her feet, there wasn't a sound. |  |
But when Molly Brown stopped to think a bit; She wasn't quite sure what to make of it.
She remembered that silence is golden, they say... But she wasn't quite sure that she liked things this way!
"There's nobody here to dance with me!" "No one to share cookies or biscuits and tea!"
"Nobody around to play hopscotch and dolls!" "Nobody to go to the park or the malls!" |  |
"If silence is golden, then why am I blue?" "I miss all my sisters! I miss them, I do!"
"I want them all back and I want them right now!" "I must find my sisters, but good-golly...how?"Now Molly was crying and pacing the hall; "I wish I'd not wished them away at all!"
Then in the next moment, perhaps it was two; Young Molly heard sounds... "Boo-Hoo-Hoo, Boo-Hoo-Hooo!" |  |
The next thing she knew there were two-dozen more! Then all of her sisters burst through the door!
"We're sorry dear sister, for causing you pain!" "We promise we'll never leave you again!"So many sisters had Molly Brown; Upstairs and downstairs, and all over town... My sisters are driving me CRAZY I say! But don't worry, I think I may like it that way! |  |
The Many Sisters of Molly Brown Story & Illustrations By Dyan Reynolds
Copyright 1998
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